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“Women’s engagement in the community level”

During August 20-22 a row of courses were organized for Gegharkunik region’s women and youth in Yerevan within “Women’s engagement in the community level” program. The participants visited to The National Assembly of RA, had a meeting with Heriknaz Tigranyan who is the Chairman of the standing committee on Labor and Social Affairs of the Assembly. Participants were introduced to the works of the Standing Committee of the Assembly, deputy action, as well as they had an opportunity to make a discussion related to the concerned issues and got exhaustive answers. In the end of the meeting Heriknaz Tigranyan invited the representatives of the organization to the upcoming parliamentary hearings and encouraged the young women to be active and be a part of processes of policy making. In the following days of the training the participants were introduced to the technique of submitting competitive applications, got the new knowledge on determining the priorities of community issues and implementation of targeted programs as well as the technical description of the logical structure of advocacy programs by strengthening their knowledge through practical work. The training was finished with the development of priority advocacy programs discussed in four groups which must be implemented by the members of women’s leadership clubs founded in different communities of Gegharkunik region according to the developed schedule. We will inform you about leadership cloub’s further successes and activities.#sose#women#youth#SoseNGO#Gegharkunik#SILC